
Administrative Program Review

Administrative Program Review

The purpose of program review is to enhance programs, services, and the student experience. The philosophy of program review is to engage in a cycle of continuous improvements made by the people doing the work. 

It is structured as a self study to evaluate and enhance the quality, currency and effectiveness of programs and services. Reviews also inform institutional planning and resource allocation. 

Program review teams study the program/service, create a vision for the future, develop a plan to strengthen the program/service and document the work. For more information see the resources below.


Administrative Program Review Cycle


The diagram above illustrates the four-year program review cycle. Year 1 includes a collaborative research process culminating in a report with recommendations for improvement. Year 2 includes the creation and submission of an action plan. During year 3 and 4 implementation continues and updates to the action plan are submitted. In year 4 the effectiveness of changes are evaluated. Once the cycle has been completed, it is begun anew.

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