
Student Statement of Prevention

Lane Community College Statement of Prevention of Alcohol Abuse and Drug Use on Campus and in the Workplace - Student Statement

Drug Use on Campus

In keeping with the intent of U.S. Public Law 101-226, Section 22: Drug-Free Schools and Campuses, it is our obligation to inform you of the health risks associated with use of various illicit drugs and abuse of alcohol. Any substance used through needle-sharing increases risk of AIDS and Hepatitis B.

Type of Drug and Possible Health Risks

Stimulants - Speed up action of central nervous system.

  1. Amphetamines ("speed," "crank," "uppers") - heart problems; paranoia; death. Affects fetus.
  2. Cocaine ("coke," "crack") - confusion; physical tolerance; dependency; damage to lungs and nasal membranes; heart problems; paranoia; convulsions; death. Affects fetus.
  3. Methamphetamine (“meth”, “crystal”, “chalk”, “ice”) – extremely addictive, a chronic, relapsing disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use; wakefulness; decreased appetite; rapid heart rate; irregular heartbeat; increased blood pressure.

Depressants - Relax the central nervous system.

  1. Barbiturates ("downers").
  2. Tranquilizers (valium, librium).
  3. Methaqualone ("ludes") - confusion; loss of coordination; tolerance; dependency; seizures, coma; death. In combination with alcohol, especially dangerous.

Cannabis - Alters perception and mood.

  1. Marijuana ("grass," "pot").
  2. Hashish - lung damage; dependence; tolerance; confusion, loss of coordination; decreased sex drive.

Hallucinogens - Distort reality.

  1. Lysergic Acid Diethlamide ("LSD," "Acid"), Mescaline, MDA, MDMA, DMT, STP, Psilocybin - hallucinations; panic; tolerance; "flashbacks"; possible birth defects in user's children.
  2. Phencyclidine ("PCP," "Angel Dust") - depression; irrational behavior; confusion; convulsions; hallucinations; coma; death.

Narcotics - Lower pain perception.

  1. Heroin.
  2. Morphine.
  3. Codeine.
  4. Opium - lethargy; apathy; loss of judgment and self-control; tolerance; dependence; convulsions; coma; death.

Deliriants - mental confusion.

  1. Aerosol products
  2. Lighter fluid
  3. Paint thinner and other inhalants - damage to brain, lungs; convulsions; death.

Alcohol - a sedative drug - tolerance; dependence; depression; coma; death. Alcohol abuse is linked to cancer, heart and liver damage. Fetal alcohol syndrome.

School Policy and State Laws

It is a violation of college policy to possess or be under the influence of alcohol or any illegal or unauthorized prescription drug upon the premises of any college owned or operated facility.

The Student Code defines the following behaviors as violations: the possession, selling or otherwise furnishing others with any intoxicating beverage, dangerous drug, narcotic, marijuana, glue, or thinner on college-owned or controlled property, or at college-sponsored or supervised functions except as authorized by specific institutional policy or regulations.

The trend in the State of Oregon is toward stiffer drug penalties. The following describes the penalties for possession of key drugs:

  • Violation (dilute mixtures, compounds with small amounts of controlled drugs) - No max. prison time. Max. fine, $1,000.
  • Class A Misdemeanor (other stimulants, some depressants) - Max. prison time, 1 year. Max. fine, $2,500.
  • Class B Felony (heroin, LSD, Marijuana, others) - Max. prison time, 10 years. Max. fine, $100,000.
  • Class C Felony (Amphetamine, Cocaine, Morphine) - Max. prison time, 5 years. Max. fine, $100,000.
  • Class C Misdemeanor (valium-type tranquilizers, others) - Max. prison time, 30 days. Max. fine, $500.
  • Delivery of less than 5 grams or possession of less than one ounce of Marijuana is a violation.

Oregon HB 2479 established mandatory evaluation, education and treatment services for those under 18 years old. If services are successfully completed, the charge will be dropped.

Alcohol is an illegal drug for those under 21 years of age. For drivers under 18, ANY detectable amount of alcohol (above .00 BAC) is grounds for losing their license until they are 18.

There are many more laws pertaining to alcohol and other drugs. Penalties for illegal drug involvement are real, and criminal conviction may bar a student from their chosen career path.

Where to Get Help

Alcohol and drug counseling is available to all students who may be experiencing alcohol/drug problems. Contact the Mental Health and Wellness Center at 541-463-5920 or the Health Clinic. 

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