
Printing: Stationery, Business Cards and Note Pads




Institutional Integrity


Marketing and Public Relations


(541) 463-5828

Primary Contact

Rebecca Long

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Executive Director of External Affairs


This procedure directs inquiries about selection to Printing/Graphics, located on the second floor at the east end of the Campus Services Building (Building 7, room CS 226).


The college's stationery, envelopes, business cards, and note pads are standardized to reduce production costs, eliminate waste from obsolescence and to provide a unified image of the college. Printing/Graphics has samples of these items and a notebook with the specifications. To ensure standardization, these items are to be produced by Printing/Graphics. This applies to all college departments. Departments that have questions or wish to modify the standards should contact the Director of Marketing & Strategic Communications.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Wednesday, November 23, 2022
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