Contracted Faculty Overloads

Payroll Information

Contracted Faculty Overloads


Faculty assigned instructional work in addition to their contracted workload receive overload pay for the additional work.  The overload is paid at either 85% or 100% of the employee's contracted rate, depending on the circumstances. 

How to calculate overloads

The employing department is responsible for calculating the overload pay.  The following formula is used to calculate all overloads:

overload FTE X overload percentage X Annual salary    =  total overload pay

You will need to supply the correct annual salary, overload FTE and overload percentage in order to complete the calculation. 

If you have difficulty understanding the calculations or any of the information above, contact a Payroll Analyst in Human Resources for assistance. 

Preparing the Personnel Action Form (PAF)

Overloads are submitted to Human Resources on a Personnel Action form (PAF).  All fields must be completed. 

Once the fields are entered, submit the PAF to the department Dean for signature.  The Executive Dean's signature is also required.  The Executive Dean's office will forward the signed form to Human Resources.