College Information
4000 E 30th Ave
Eugene, OR 97405-0640 (most Federal applications require the full zip code)
Identification Numbers
- LCC Tax ID: 93-0546223
- LCC Foundation Tax ID: Contact the LCC Foundation
- DUNS: 048980288 UEI: LL3YSZYX2EU3
- OPE ID: 00319600
Salaries and Wages
- Classified Salary Schedule (Human Resources)
- Faculty Salary Schedules (Human Resources)
Benefits 2022
- Contracted Positions – 67%
- Part-time Positions – 40%
Indirect Cost Rates (college overhead)
- DHHS federally negotiated rate -- 35% of salaries and wages; Off-campus: 13% (Rates valid from 06/23/2020- 07/01/2022) - valid until amended. Confirm with campus CFO.
- Rate applies only to salary, but does not include OPE (fringe benefits). This means that using the de minimis rate in a given grant may be better.
- Suggested rate for non-federal grants --10.0% of total direct costs
College Data
- Enrollment Data (IR)
- Student demographics (IR)
- Staff demographics (IR)
- LCC Board of Education (Board)
- Foundation Board of Trustees (Foundation)