Grant Project Development

Grant Project Services

Many departments and offices on campus have exciting and innovative ideas for improvement. Occasionally these ideas can be developed into a program redesigns, cutting-edge projects or institution-wide enhancements. With grant funding, these ideas could become a reality. The role of the grants office varies depending on the funding source, size of the project, the number of partners involved and length of time before a deadline. 

Currently, grants activity at LCC is being reconfigured. It is recommended that you check for confirmation that anything you submit has been received and/or is being considered.

Development includes pre-submission consultation and approval, and review of grant applications in consultation with Academic and Student Affairs and College Finance. Implementation works on compliance and reporting after a grant has been awarded. Departments and programs are largely expected to develop their own projects, as the college does not currently employ a staff writer.

As you plan your potential project, ensure that it corresponds with institutional priorities, fits within your department and how it directly and measurably benefits students. Also, consider how the program will be sustained beyond the life of the grant.

The links below provide tools and direction as you begin the grant-development process. Please note that for final approval the proposal narrative and budget will need to be reviewed, as mentioned in #4 below.

Steps of project development:

1. Fill out grant proposal form

The grant proposal form serves as an important tool. If you are new to grant writing, it helps walk you through the process. The form lays out the essentials of your project, identifies your areas of need, and makes it easier to guide you in the development of your grant while troubleshooting potential pitfalls. Be sure to fill out the form completely as it will facilitate the development of your project and associated budget.

The grants office cannot begin work on the proposed project until the form is completed, including departmental approval signatures. Please complete the google form for authorization to proceed..

2. Find funding

sheet of moneyFunding for grants comes primarily from two sources: federal agencies and private foundations. Occasionally Lane receives grant funding through our local Workforce Investment Board or the State as a pass-through.

Each funder tends to have its own particular focus and interests. Be sure your proposed project matches the funder's priorities.

Federal sites

  • is the electronic portal for more than 900 programs of federal grant-making agencies. You can search for grant opportunities and register for notification of grant opportunities.
  • is the site for the National Science Foundation which funds grants related to science, mathematics, and engineering technology.
  • Department of Education's site has many opportunities for funding education related projects.

Private foundation search sites 

  • Candid (formerly Foundation Center) provides a searchable database of grant makers and has other grant writing resources.
  • Oregon Foundation Handbook is in the Lane library reference section and lists Oregon foundations by type, focus area and other details.

Other grant research sites

  • Department of Labor has information about funding as well as statistical data that may be useful in some grant applications.
  • CRD, (Council for Resource Development), is a professional organization for fund-raising for two-year colleges with articles and resources regarding grant writing.

3. Begin draft proposal and preliminary budget

Working with the development team, you will begin to put together a draft of your proposal. Depending on the complexity of the project there may be many drafts sent back and forth between you and the grants office. Below are some things to consider as the writing gets underway for your project.

  • Use the Grant Development Tools for narrative structures, budget samples and more.
  • Contact all partners early in the process, and send them a 1 page concept summary of the project.
  • Follow evaluation criteria exactly. The grants office will help you decipher the particular rules of the funder to be sure the proposal is covering all necessary issues.
  • Be aware of any budget restrictions.
  • Indirect costs must be included. Most federal programs allow 42.8% of wages and salaries, and the grants office asks for a percentage of the total modified direct costs for applications to private foundation.

4. Final budget review and proposal edits

The grants office will review your application and provide editing and feedback once you have completed a draft proposal. The budget will need final approval by the Grants Office to ensure it meets institutional and funder guidelines.

5. Submittal and Notification


Once you have finalized all elements of the proposal, the Grants Office will submit the application to the respective agency, if all required materials are provided three days before the deadline. Award notification can take anywhere from a few weeks to many months depending on the grantor.


If you receive either a rejection or award letter you should contact the grants office immediately (if the Grants Office receives the notification, we will make a copy of all material, and forward you the originals). Award letters should also be sent to Grants Accounting so they can begin setting up an account: please contact the Grants Accountants as soon as possible after receiving notification.