Textbook Selection






Academic and Student Affairs


(541) 463-5344

Primary Contact

Grant Matthews

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs


This procedure describes The Office of Academic and Student Affairs guidelines for faculty and academic deans regarding the selection of official textbooks and supplemental materials for classroom use.


Academic and Student Affairs recommends the following guidelines to departments for selecting textbooks and supplemental material for classroom use.

  1. An officially adopted textbook must be used for a minimum of two years, except for extenuating circumstances such as a change of instructors, text out of print, negative student response, or a new edition.  All exceptions to the two-year minimum must be approved by the instructional administrator.
  2. To keep student expense to a minimum, softcover textbooks should be selected, when available.
  3. Instructors teaching the same subject should agree on the best common textbook.  Any exceptions must be approved by the department chair.
  4. Supplemental materials should be selected on the basis of demonstrated and justified need; students must be held accountable for required supplemental materials.
  5. Departments must adopt textbooks which do not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, age, disability, or other protected class.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Monday, September 1, 2003