This procedure provides a guideline to the campus community about the requirement of on-time submission of course materials for the upcoming academic term, in order to help reduce academic expenses for students.
All textbook orders for winter, spring and summer terms shall be placed with the Titan Store by Friday of the third week of the preceding term. Fall term orders shall be placed with the Titan Store by Wednesday of the seventh week of the preceding spring term. This will allow the Titan Store to enable the used book cycle, including buying back textbooks from current students and conducting a national search of used book distributors, thereby reducing student expense and making more used books available for future students.
All instructional departments shall develop a schedule for determining course assignments, class assignments, and book selection that will allow textbook orders to be completed by the appropriate deadline designated for each term.
As of July 1, 2010, the Higher Education Opportunity Act's textbook provision requires Lane Community College to inform its students, at the time of registration, of the cost of books and text-based materials the students will need to purchase if they register for a class. Adhering to the above schedule allows Lane Community College's Titan Store to comply with this federal mandate.