Student Electronic and Digital Communications





Governance Council

Student Success Council

Primary Contact

Colman Joyce

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President of Student Affairs


Provide guidance for the use of various digital communication media, and establish an official means of communications for students to:

  • Improve the timeliness and reliability of communication.
  • Integrate sustainable operations.
  • Protect student information.

This policy affects all students of Lane Community College.


Lane Community College is committed to developing digital communications with students.

Email Communication and Provision

Lane Community College will primarily use electronic communications to conduct official college business. Notification by email will be considered official contact. Students are responsible for keeping themselves up-to-date regarding email communications. The college will provide each credit and non-credit student (except Continuing Education students and College Now students) an official college email address. College Now students may opt-in to receive a Lane email account. 

The college and college employees will use the college-provided student email address to communicate with currently enrolled students; in the case of Continuing Education and College Now students, college employees will use the appropriate contact email. Students who have a college-provided email but use a personal email to contact college employees will be redirected to their college-provided email address for responses when it is not possible to respond without disclosing FERPA protected information. Exceptions may be allowed with the approval of the responsible executive authority.

The college expects that every student will read their college-provided email on a frequent and consistent basis. Students must recognize that certain communications may be time-sensitive, and they may be required to monitor email on a more frequent basis than determined by instructional needs. A student's failure to receive and read college communications in a timely manner does not absolve that student from knowing and complying with the content of such communications.

Students who redirect email from their official college email address to another address do so at their own risk. The student also assumes all risk of inadvertent disclosure of non-directory information (grades, letters of accommodations, etc.) if the student chooses to forward their college email to another provider. 

Text Messaging

LCC may also use text messaging to communicate directly with students, only in accordance with this policy. Recognizing that students may incur fees upon receipt of text messages, the college will only text students after first receiving consent to text and will limit texts only to the topics for which consent was received; students may opt out after opting in at any time. 

Mass communication through text messages  will go through officially supported messaging platforms and be performed only by those approved to do so. 

Texting will not be the only way a mass communication message is sent. The message will be duplicated with email, phone, website posting, or other acceptable means of communication so as to ensure receipt and include all applicable audiences. The responsible executive authority may establish exceptions to this provision.

Mass Communication to Students through Digital/Electronic Means

All digital student communications will be consistent with other Lane Community College policies including all relevant LCC Board Policies, the Appropriate Use of Technology procedure, and applicable laws.

In order to ensure communications are appropriate, relevant, and timely, the college may place reasonable restrictions on who can send mass student communications. This will not restrict instructor communications with students currently enrolled in their classes, including through Moodle messaging.


Mass communications are defined as any message of substantially identical content sent to 50 or more students at once, excluding communications targeted specifically to students enrolled in large courses.

Date Adopted

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Date Last Reviewed

Wednesday, April 27, 2022