This procedure outlines the steps a staff member must take to acquire authorization to sale staff prepared instructional materials to students.
Instructional materials prepared by a staff member shall not be sold directly to students unless the staff member is so authorized by the director of College Finance and approved by the appropriate associate vice president, executive director or vice president.
Instructional materials may be prepared by a staff member with funds provided by a departmental budget or a special curriculum development fund, in accordance with administrative regulations and contractual agreements.
- If the staff member desires to make the materials available for sale to Lane students, a sample of the materials with a letter of justification shall be first submitted to their division chair. Final approval resides with the appropriate associate vice president, executive director or vice president.
- Before final approval for sale to students, the division chair may request that the materials undergo a trial evaluation period. Generally, the cost of the materials used during the trial period, and the evaluation, will be assumed by the staff member.
- After final approval, the staff member may enter into a contract with the Lane Bookstore to sell the materials.