Protection from Wildfire Smoke




Health and Safety


Human Resources


(541) 463-5503

Primary Contact

Dawn Barth

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President of Human Resources


The purpose of this procedure is to prevent employees from excessive wildfire smoke exposure and to comply with Oregon OSHA’s Protection from Wildfire Smoke Rule.


This procedure applies to all employees who are or will be exposed to wildfire smoke where the ambient air concentration for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is at or above 35.5 micrograms per meter³ (Air Quality Index value of 101). The following workplaces are exempt from these rules:

  1. Enclosed buildings and structures in which the air is filtered by a mechanical ventilation system and the employer ensures that windows, doors, bays, and other exterior openings are kept closed, except when it is necessary to open doors to enter or exit.
  2. Enclosed vehicles in which the air is filtered by a cabin air filter and the employer ensures that windows, doors, and other openings are kept closed, except when it is necessary to open doors to enter or exit the vehicle.


Employees who have only intermittent exposure to air concentrations at or above Air Quality Index (AQI) 101 are subject to the training and voluntary use of N95 respirator portions of this procedure only. Intermittent use is defined as exposure of less than 15 minutes per hour for a total exposure of less than one hour in a single 24-hour period

Exposure Assessment

As the air begins to get smoky, each manager or their designee is responsible for checking to determine the AQI. Type the city of your worksite into the webpage. Lane’s main campus is located between Eugene, Springfield, and Goshen. The highest AQI of these three cities will be used for the purposes of this procedure. All employees may also use to check the AQI for themselves.


The following training must be provided to all employees who may be exposed to ambient air concentrations at or above AQI101. Employees are to take the following steps annually in May. 

  1. Watch the Oregon OSHA Wildfire Smoke online course, pass the quiz at the end of the course, print out the certificate of completion.
  2. Read this procedure.
  3. Print this procedure, sign it, and give it to your manager or designee along with the OSHA training certificate for the department OSHA compliance files.

Method of Protecting Employees from Wildfire Smoke

  1. Prioritize work that can be done indoors.
  2. If outside work must be done and:
    1. the AQI is at or above 101 and below 277, employees are encouraged to voluntarily wear an N95 mask.
    2. The AQI is at or above 277 and below 849, wearing an N95 mask while working outside is mandatory.
  3. When the AQI is 848 or higher, working outside is not allowed.

Please obtain N95 masks from your manager or their designee. Employees should be given several N95 masks at a time. Masks are disposable and should only be used for one day.

What to Do When an Employee Reports or Exhibits Health Symptoms

If an employee reports or exhibits health symptoms that necessitate immediate medical attention such as, but not limited to asthma attacks, difficulty breathing or chest pain:

  1. Main campus: call Public Safety at 541-463-5555.
  2. All other work locations: call 911.

Two-Way Communication System

  1. For employees who use two-way radios (Facilities and Public Safety), the two-way communication system is the radio.
  2. For all other employees, the two-way communication system is email.

Manager or designee will communicate via radio and email when AQIs are at the following levels:

  • 101: employees will be encouraged to wear N95.
  • 277: employees will be told N95s are mandatory.
  • 848: employees will be told to not work outside.

Job Tasks During Which An N95 Respirator Must Not be Worn

  • Electrical work for which fire-resistant clothing is required for protection from arc flash.


By signing below, I certify that I have completed the training video, passed the test, and read this plan.


Employee name: _______________________________________________


Employee signature: _____________________________________________


Date: _________________________________________________________



Managers are responsible for verifying that applicable employees complete the training that is described in this procedure. Managers must ensure documentation of training completion by filing the certificate of completion and this signed procedure for each employee.

Date Adopted

Monday, July 29, 2024

Date Last Reviewed

Monday, July 29, 2024