Pay: School Closure




Human Resources


Human Resources

Primary Contact

Shane Turner

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President of Human Resources


This procedure describes which employees are eligible for compensation, and assigns responsibility to the supervising manager for tracking this need. Under certain circumstances, employees will be paid for time not worked as a result of an official College shutdown owing to bad weather.


School Closures

A school closure occurs when the college is officially shut down due to bad weather (see Weather Closure Information) or other emergency condition. Only the president or a designee can declare a school closure (see Emergency Plan).

When the college is officially shut down, the department manager is responsible for notifying Human Resources in a timely fashion of any salary or leave adjustments needed according to the following guidelines.

General Guidelines For Compensation

All bargaining unit members, part-time credit instructors and management employees, scheduled to work on the school closure day should be paid as if they worked their regular schedule.  Employees required to work when the school is closed on a regularly scheduled work day should be provided time off with pay on a straight-time basis.

Employees on Scheduled Leave

Employees scheduled to use other leave (vacation, personal, sick, leave without pay, compensatory time, etc.) on a school closure day should have their leave accounts charged as originally scheduled.

Hourly Employees

All bargaining unit members scheduled to work on the weather closure day should be paid as if they worked their regular schedule. Less than 0.5 FTE classified employees shall be paid the equivalent within the same pay period.

Employees Who Fail to Report to Work as Scheduled Before the Closure is Announced

Eligible employees who were scheduled to report to work before the closure was announced but who had not reported at the time of the announcement may take personal leave, vacation leave, compensatory time or leave without pay, as approved by the supervisor, for hours not worked prior to the closure.

Employees Who Report to Work Late When the College is Not Closed

When the college is not officially closed due to bad weather, eligible employees who choose to report for work late, leave early or not report at all because of weather conditions, may take leave without pay, vacation leave, personal leave or compensatory time, as approved by the supervisor.

Reporting to Work When the College is Closed

When an employee chooses to work all or part of his/her regular schedule during a school closure, the employee should receive no additional pay or time off for the hours worked, except as provided otherwise in a collective bargaining agreement.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Thursday, February 13, 2025