Marketing and Public Relations




Institutional Integrity


Marketing and Public Relations


(541) 463-5850

Primary Contact

Brett Rowlett

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Executive Director of External Affairs


This procedure describes the functions and services provided by the Marketing and Public Relations Department.


The Marketing and Public Relations department provides leadership for college public relations and marketing activities, serves as a liaison with the news media, oversees college advertising, produces most collegewide publications, provides public relations and marketing advice to other departments, and reviews and approves certain public relations and marketing activities undertaken by other college departments.  These activities include media releases and public service announcements; radio, television, print, and other advertising; graphic images and icons; and brochures, posters and other publications created to be distributed off-campus.

The role of Marketing and Public Relations is to review these activities while they are in the planning stages to encourage collaboration among departments; to ensure the dissemination of accurate, clear and consistent information to the community; and to present a quality image of the college that is consistent with its mission, vision and core values.

This procedure applies to all college departments and to all activities named above whether the work is produced on or off campus and regardless of who pays for it. It also applies to activities that name Lane or a Lane department as a major partner or participant, regardless of the official sponsor.  Departments that have unique information needs may negotiate exceptions to the policy with Marketing and Public Relations as appropriate.  These arrangements must be in writing and are to be reviewed annually.

This procedure does not apply to brochures, posters, and other publications distributed only on campus.  These items do not need to be reviewed by Marketing and Public Relations; however, development assistance is available.

Related information is available on the Marketing and Public Relations pages.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Wednesday, November 23, 2022