The purpose of this procedure is to describe telephone services and how employees obtain them.
In General:
The college has a voicemail system that serves all Lane campuses and sites. All telephones have direct dial numbers. You may also call the Main College number for information or assistance at (541) 463-3000. A switchboard operator is available Monday through Friday, from 8:00am to 5:00pm. A list of all college telephone numbers can be found in the online directory. A college staff directory is also available for purchase by departments through the Printing and Graphics Department.
Resource pages on the use of telephones and voicemail can be found in the Lane knowledgebase.
There are free student use phones (local calls only) in each of the following locations:
Center Bldg – 2nd Floor, Building 1 – 1st Floor, and Building 16 - 2nd Floor.
To Order New Telephone/Voicemail Service or Make Changes to Existing Service:
The Department Admin will send an email to the Telecommunications Office requesting a new service or a change to an existing service. In the email, please provide name of employee, L#, location of service and FOAP (only for new phone service).You will receive a return phone call with the current options for phones and service.
To Report Telephone Trouble or Voicemail Issues:
Call the Telecommunications office at x5565 to report the problem. If it is after hours or on weekends, mark the voicemail "urgent" and the Telecom Specialist will be paged.
Mobile Phones:
If your manager requires you to use your personal mobile phone to perform college work, the college may pay a stipend. Your department administrator can request a stipend for you from the Director of Human Resources. For those individuals who do not own a mobile phone or for departments needing a mobile phone not assigned to any certain person, the Telecom Office will purchase a (College Use Only) mobile phone with voice and text features only for the dept. We do not provide mobile phones for short term (a day, week, or month) use. All college issued mobile phone charges will be charged back to the requesting department. Any early termination fees will also be charged back to the department.