
Guidance on Responding to On-site Law Enforcement or Government Agency Inquiries Regarding Immigration Sponsorship and/or Status




Health and Safety


President's Office

Primary Contact

Nicole Vickers

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

College President


Lane Community College is committed to ensuring access to higher education for a diverse student population by providing a welcoming, safe environment. Any college employee who, while on campus, is asked by a law enforcement or government official including a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent to assist in locating a student or students because of the student’s immigration status is required to refer the official to Public Safety and to follow the guidelines set forth in this procedure. Once the employee has complied with these guidelines, the employee has no further duty regarding the presence of law enforcement or government agents on campus.


  1. Call Public Safety. If government agents are on a Lane Community College property, contact Public Safety at 541-463-5558. If the government agents have a warrant, Public Safety will escort them to the President’s Office. If they do not have a warrant, Public Safety will observe the agents as they access public spaces only.
  2. Do not attempt to read or validate a warrant. If a government agent presents a warrant, Public Safety will escort the agents to the President’s Office where the validity of the warrant will be determined.
  3. Public vs Private Spaces. Government agents are allowed in public spaces without a warrant but are not allowed in private spaces without a proper judicial warrant. Public and private spaces are spelled out in LCC’s Building Access Procedure on COPPS as follows, “Public Spaces and Private Spaces: When exterior doors to a building are unlocked, lobbies and restrooms are generally public spaces. Classrooms, offices, and workspaces are private spaces. Classrooms are for the use of employees, registered students, and invited guests. Outside entities that have reserved a specific space may also use that specific space during the dates and times of their reservation.” If an agent attempts to enter a private space, do not attempt to block their access. Instead, simply alert Public Safety and calmly say to the agents:

    “This is a private space that you may not enter without a proper judicial warrant. I have called our Public Safety department. They will arrive shortly and will escort you to our President’s office where your warrant will be reviewed and validated.”
  4. Student Privacy. Student information should not be disclosed without a judicial warrant. A designee from the President’s office will notify you if the government agency has provided a valid warrant requiring that documentation be provided.
  5. Documentation. If you feel safe doing so, ask the government agents for their names and badge numbers and document this information. Employees may also record the interaction until Public Safety arrives if they feel comfortable doing so. Send any documentation that you obtain to LCC’s Public Safety department at LCCPublicSafety@lanecc.edu.
  6. Professionalism. While interacting with a government agent, at all times, remain calm and cooperative. Even if you have concerns, maintain a professional demeanor and do not resist an agent's questions or requests, while maintaining the requirements in this procedure. Do not hide or assist employees, students, or families in leaving school premises, provide false or misleading information, or discard any important documents or information. Obstructing or otherwise interfering with certain law enforcement activities can be a crime, and anyone involved may be subject to prosecution under state or federal law.

Date Adopted

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Date Last Reviewed

Wednesday, February 26, 2025
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