This procedure provides students and instructors with guidelines for implementation of the Pass-No Pass grade option.
Students may select the Pass/No Pass option by entering that option during the myLane registration process. After registration students wishing to change to a Pass/No Pass option in myLane have through Friday of the eighth week of the term to complete the process.
- No more than 16 hours of "Pass" grades may be applied toward any one Lane degree. Pass/No Pass only classes and credit-by-assessment are not included in the 16-hour limitation.
- Pass/No Pass grades are not recommended in major fields since certain college transfer courses listed as a part of a curriculum by the Oregon public universities may not be transferable if taken with a Pass/No Pass option. The number of Pass/No Pass credits accepted on a transcript varies among four year colleges and universities. (Students are advised to check with counselors or advisors to determine correct information about pass/no pass classes and how they transfer to other institutions.)
- Credit given for previous work experience and/or advanced placement will not be included in the maximum allowable pass option credits.
- Particular sections of courses carrying Pass/No Pass grade only must be approved by the instructional departments and clearly designated as such in the term schedule. Such sections offered for Pass/No Pass credit only will not be included in the maximum allowable pass option credits.
- Instructors will maintain a record of letter grades throughout the term. Letter grades will be changed automatically by the computer for those students electing the Pass/No Pass option. With the Pass/No Pass option an earned A+ or A grade will remain on the transcript; an earned A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C or C- grade will change to a Pass and a D+, D, D- or F grade will become a No Pass.