Final Exam Schedule






Academic and Student Affairs


(541) 463-5344

Primary Contact

Grant Matthews

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs


This procedure describes the specifics of exam scheduling, as well as the expectations for faculty work schedules during finals week.


A standard final examination week schedule for fall, winter and spring terms has been established by Academic and Student Affairs.  The final examination schedule for each term will be published in the term schedule and reprinted in The Torch prior to final examination week.

Link to Final Exam Schedules

Final Examination Policies and Procedures

  1. Final examination week will be the last week of fall, winter and spring terms.
  2. Final examinations will not be given prior to final examination week unless approval for  extenuating circumstances is granted by the appropriate instructional manager.
  3. The normal time for a final examination is one hour and 50 minutes.
  4. Scheduling of final examinations during summer term will be arranged by the instructor and the instructional manager.  Students will be informed of the schedule prior to the week of the final examination.
  5. The instructor does not have the option of changing the time or the room of the final  examination.
  6. Classes which meet at or after 6 p.m. will have their final examination during final examination week during the regularly scheduled class time.  If the instructor needs a longer period of time to give the final examination, they should contact Curriculum and Scheduling in order to avoid room conflicts with Adult Education or other evening classes.
  7. Students having more than two final examinations in one day may request a prior scheduling of one final examination at a different time.  Students should contact their instructor to make this arrangement.

Faculty Work Week During Final Examination Week

  1. Faculty members shall maintain regular office hours on campus each day during final  examination week.  Office hours will be given to students prior to final examination week.
  2. Final examination week is a working week for all instructional staff.   If an examination is not  appropriate for a particular class, the instructor shall plan a worthwhile educational activity with their class during the scheduled final examination period.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Tuesday, December 1, 2015