Facilities: Use in General






Facilities Management and Planning


(541) 463-5000

Primary Contact

Jennifer Hayward

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President, Finance & Administration


This procedure specifies the types of organizations whose requests must have approval from the College president.


No equipment or facility will be used, loaned, or rented for any purpose to individuals or groups not officially connected with the college, other than city, state, regional, or federal governments or public agencies, except those approved by the president or designee.  The regular instructional and other operational needs of the college will have priority use of equipment and facilities before use by other individuals and agencies.

Use of equipment or facilities by college employees or students must relate to the instructional mission or work assignment and is not to be used to support personal or commercial activities.

The approval of the president must be received to allow equipment or facility use in the following situations:

  1. Outside organizations that have comparable equipment and are willing to reciprocate the use of equipment under written arrangement by the administrator of the facility;
  2. Nonprofit organizations for which the college grants the use of facilities as a community  service project; or
  3. Outside organizations or individuals that (due to the unique nature of the facilities or services or the fact that these facilities are the sole sources in the district) wish to use these facilities or services and pay a comparable commercial use rate.

Requests for all other nonconforming uses of facilities, equipment, and services will be submitted in writing to the president for review and approval.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Monday, August 31, 2015