Facilities Management Team






Facilities Management and Planning


(541) 463-5000

Primary Contact

Jennifer Hayward

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President, Finance & Administration


The following procedures relate to the remodeling of the college's facilities and capital construction projects. For information about allocation of space, see the Space Assignment procedure.


The college's facilities are a resource for the support of all college functions. To ensure that the facilities are configured and used in a manner which is effective and which meets the needs of the college as a whole requires careful and diligent management. The Facilities Management Team has been formed to provide the necessary management. The director of Facilities Management and Planning is an ex-officio member and acts as executive secretary for the team with responsibility for formulating agendas, scheduling meetings and maintaining meeting minutes.

The following procedures relate to the remodeling of the college's facilities and capital construction projects. For information about allocation of space, see the Space Assignment policy.

Remodeling Request Procedure

Any remodeling of college facilities must reflect the college's needs and must conform to all codes and regulations which apply in each specific case. Remodeling, for the purpose of this procedure, includes: any changes or alterations to any fixed part of a building, changes to pedestrian circulation patterns, changes in walkways and ramps, and any other changes or alterations which directly affect the function or access to any building or room. Changes to the electrical and mechanical systems may or may not be included, depending upon their effect and complexity as determined by Facilities Management and Planning.

All departments with remodeling needs should comply with the following procedure. (A remodeling request is only valid for a space which is already assigned to the originating department.)

  1. Request. The department should initiate an Inter-Campus Order Form for minor remodeling or a written request for major remodeling. The request must include a justification for the work as well as a general description of the desired changes to the unit's facilities. When completed, the request should be submitted through the normal administrative chain to the appropriate vice president.
  2. Initial Review. Any person in the administrative chain may attach comments to the request. The vice president will provide the initial review of the request to determine whether or not it is worth pursuing further. If it is felt to be a valid request, the vice president will assign it for staff review, if necessary.
  3. Staff Review.  The appointed representative of the Facilities Management Team will be responsible for completing the staff review. Sufficient background information will be gathered to provide an adequate evaluation of the proposal. The final step in this review is to request a preliminary design and cost estimate from Facilities Management and Planning. When all necessary information has been compiled, the request will be placed on the next Facilities Management Team agenda.
  4. Administrative Review.  Periodically, the Facilities Management Team will meet to review any current remodeling requests and discuss other issues related to facilities. The review may result in a rejection or positive recommendation of the request or its return to staff for additional information. Normally, the originator of the request will be informed of the decision of the team by the appropriate representative. Any requests recommended by the team are submitted to the president for final approval.
  5. Funding. There are four different funding sources for remodeling construction projects: departmental budget, Capital Repair/Improvement funds, state construction aid, and other external sources (i.e., HEW, EDA, etc.). Based upon the type and complexity of the approved project and the availability of funds, the Facilities Management Team will decide upon the appropriate funding source(s) for the project. If the project is to be funded by the current operating budget (i.e., departmental or Facilities Management and Planning), a work order will be submitted to Facilities Management and Planning to schedule and complete the work in coordination with the requesting department. If any of the other funding sources are selected, then the project will be handled according to the procedures for Capital Construction Projects.

Capital Construction Projects

These projects consist of all major construction/remodeling projects that are funded by serial levies, plant funds, state funds, construction bonds, or other external sources. An approved prioritized list is maintained for all active projects within this category. The Facilities Management Team will periodically review this list and consider changes to it, including additions, deletions or setting different priorities. An updated list is submitted to the president for review and approval.

Review Procedures

To ensure that the Facilities Management Team has adequate information on issues and that adequate student/staff involvement has been provided, the following procedures will be followed by the team.

  1. Preliminary Investigation. During the initial staff review period, the appropriate vice president or designee will ensure that all affected parties are informed of an issue's status and are given the opportunity to provide input on the issue to the vice president or designee or Facilities Management Team. The vice president or designee will inform all affected parties of alternate solutions developed by the team and afford them the opportunity to discuss these with the vice president or the team.
  2. Proposed Decision. When the team has chosen the best solution to a problem, the vice president or designee will inform all affected parties of the proposed recommendation. If no objections are voiced within one week, the decision becomes final. If there are objections registered, the vice president or designee will appoint one or more representatives from the objecting department(s) to appear before the Facilities Management Team to express concerns about the proposed decision. Following this meeting, the team may announce its final recommendation or remand the issue for further study before developing another proposed recommendation.
  3. Administrative Appeal. Any affected department that disagrees with the final decision may appeal to the president or designee to request a public hearing on the decision. The president or designee will direct the team to hold one or more public hearings on the issue, after which the president or designee will either announce a final decision or instruct the team to study the issue further.
  4. Emergencies. If an issue develops that requires a decision within a time period which would not allow for the above process to be completed, the team may, with the president's approval, alter procedures to allow for as much staff review as possible and still arrive at a decision within the time available.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Monday, August 31, 2015