Distribution of Literature






Student Life and Leadership Development


(541) 463-5787

Primary Contact

Carl Yeh

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President of Student Affairs


This procedure delineates guidelines regarding the posting and distribution of posters, bulletins, circulars, and other publicity materials at Lane. These guidelines do not necessarily imply approval of views that may be contained in such materials by either the college or the student body.

First Amendment freedom of the press is applicable to the campuses of Lane Community College. Therefore, both student and off-campus publications and the distribution of these publications are protected on the main campus and outreach centers. Distribution may be restricted only if it can be shown that such activity would cause a disturbance or disruption of normal college activities.


First Amendment freedom of the press is applicable to the campus of Lane Community College.  Therefore, both student and off-campus publications and the distribution of these publications are protected on the main campus and outreach centers.  Distribution may be restricted only if it can be shown that such activity would cause a disturbance or disruption of normal college activities.

The following guidelines have been established regarding the posting and distribution of posters, bulletins, circulars, and other publicity materials at Lane.  These guidelines do not necessarily imply approval of views that may be contained in such materials by either the college or the student body.

General Rule

  1. Authorization for the posting of materials other than as indicated in the following items must be obtained from the Student Leadership Program Director or the designated building supervisor at outreach centers. Once authorized, the distribution will take place in the prescribed locations on campus; should not disrupt the normal operation of the institution; and should not cause a litter problem on the campus. These guidelines will be followed at all Lane locations.
  2. Posters, circulars, bulletins, and other publicity material may be posted on designated bulletin boards only.
  3. Digital signage may be used in the Center Building and Food Service areas.
  4. Distribution of newspapers, handbills and other printed materials shall be restricted to specific areas on the main campus designated by the Student Leadership Program Director, and to those areas of outreach centers so designated by the building administrator.
  5. Materials can never be posted on glass doors or windows, except during elections when some posting on windows may occur within the specifications outlined below.
  6. Authorization shall not be denied unless the materials are in conflict with the foregoing guidelines or with local, state or federal laws.

Student Elections

  1. Banners may be tied to rails and pillars.
  2. "A" boards or other devices may be used.
  3. Any sign placed on a drive stake in the ground must have clearance from the grounds supervisor.
  4. Signage may be posted adjacent to doors, but not on them.  Posting time shall not exceed two weeks in advance of the elections and the maximum size shall be 22" x 28."
  5. All election related material will be removed within 24 hours after the closing of elections.

Items for Sale or Rental

  1. Signage for personal items for sale or rental shall be posted on authorized bulletin boards only.
  2. They shall remain posted not longer than two weeks from the date of posting.  Items may be redated for posting, however, if not sold by that time.

Publicity Materials

Lane students, employees and organizations may post and/or distribute posters, bulletins, circulars, and other publicity materials on campus according to the following rules.

  1. The name and address of the individual(s) or contact information for student clubs/organization(s) promoting the activity or idea shall appear on all material being distributed.
  2. Students, employees and student clubs/organizations may post a maximum of one poster per activity on each bulletin board or designated area, provided space is available.
  3. Certain bulletin boards have restricted use.  These boards are so marked.
  4. The date when each item is posted must appear on the face of the material.

Approval for Materials

Posters, bulletins, circulars, and other publicity materials must be approved for posting at Student Life and Leadership Development and must bear the dated approval stamp.

Local, State and National Political Campaigns

  1. Students, employees or student clubs/organizations may distribute campaign material supporting or opposing any ballot measure, candidate or slate of candidates appearing on the ballot of any special, primary or general election (local, state or national).
  2. Such campaign materials must bear the name and address of the person(s) or organization(s) publishing the material.
  3. Students, employees or student clubs/organizations distributing these materials shall obtain authorization from the Student Leadership Program Director or the designated building supervisor at outreach centers.
  4. Those distributing material on the main campus may post such material on designated bulletin boards.  Reservation of informational tables in the cafeteria to hand out material may be requested of Student Life and Leadership Development. All such requests must be made at least two weeks in advance. Circulating through the cafeteria area and distributing material is not permitted.

Non-Lane Materials

  1. Publicity materials from organizations not connected with Lane are to be submitted to the Student Leadership Program Director or designated supervisor at outreach centers.
  2. If authorized, such materials may be distributed as prescribed by the director of Student Life and Leadership Development or designated supervisor at outreach centers.
  3. Private businesses who wish to advertise on campus are encouraged to contact the Torch student newspaper.


Commercial, profitmaking enterprises are permitted to advertise on campus through newspapers, magazines and printed programs, but may not use flyer/poster space on campus.

Right of Appeal

In case a student, employee or organization is denied the right to distribute materials on campus, the decision is subject to appeal.  All appeals or complaints are subject to Lane Community College Complaint Procedures.


With the exception of that described in "Other" above, the Student Leadership Program Director has the responsibility for monitoring the posting, distribution and removal of all publicity materials as described in these guidelines on the main campus.  This responsibility rests with the designated building administrator at outreach centers.

The college reserves the right to designate specific areas for the distribution of printed materials.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Tuesday, December 1, 2015