Disabilities: Providing Disability Accommodations for Students






Center for Accessible Resources


(541) 463-5150

Primary Contact

Mandie Pritchard

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs


This procedure describes the responsibilities of an instructor who receives a Letter of Accommodation (LOA) for a student and has concerns about a reasonable, approved accommodation.


The Center for Accessible Resources (CAR) is responsible for determining students' eligibility for accommodations and implementing those accommodations and services according to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act  and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Faculty and Staff Responsibility: 

“No otherwise qualified individual with disabilities in the United States . . . Shall, solely by reason of his/her disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance . . .”

Furthermore, Subpart E of 504 specifically addresses mandates for institutions of higher education requiring that an institution be prepared to provide appropriate and reasonable accommodation to policies and practices to allow students with disabilities to participate in the same activities and programs as non-disabled students. It is therefore the responsibility of faculty and staff of the college to provide accommodations to all qualified students through the assistance of the Center for Accessible Resources.

Here, “otherwise qualified” means one who is able to meet the same academic requirements and standards as non-disabled students.

The Center for Accessible Resources has developed numerous systems and procedures to assure that the college fulfills this responsibility, including sending an electronic LOA; sent to the Lane email address of the instructor of record for each course in which accommodations are requested. For more information on LOA and faculty responsibilities please visit: CAR Faculty Reference Guide.

Instructors with questions or concerns should contact CAR no later than the first business day following the first class in which the student is enrolled or upon receipt of the LOA, whichever is later. Instructors with concerns about a specific reasonable, approved accommodation should contact the student’s assigned accommodation specialist noted on the LOA. 

Please note: Under no circumstances should a faculty member deny a student access to a reasonable, approved accommodation.

The Center for Accessible Resources encourages faculty to create an inclusive learning environment for all that will provide opportunities for each student to demonstrate his or her understanding, knowledge, and acquired skills of the course material, regardless of ability.

The instructor should contact the Center for Accessible Resources for clarification as questions come up, and should refer the student to CAR for additional support, strategies and resources. 541-463-5150 voice, TTY, or AccessibleResouces@lanecc.edu.

Date Adopted

Friday, June 1, 2001

Date Last Reviewed

Tuesday, March 22, 2022