Disabilities: Confidentiality and Access to Records for Students with Disabilities






Center for Accessible Resources


(541) 463-5150

Primary Contact

Mandie Pritchard

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs


The purpose of this procedure is to describe the circumstances under which access may be granted, including a student's request to view his/her own records. All records and information related to students with disabilities are confidential and maintained in the Center for Accessible Resources.



All records and information related to students with disabilities are confidential and maintained in the Center for Accessible Resources (CAR). Records and information are not released to anyone outside of the accommodation process, except under the following circumstances:

  • CAR is required and/or permitted by law and or court ordered to do so
  • The student is a direct threat to him/herself or others.
  • The student makes a disability-related grievance or appeal.

With the student's permission, pertinent information can be discussed with Lane staff and faculty who are involved in the student's educational program or others specifically identified by the student on the Center for Accessible Resources Consent form. We will not disclose a student’s specific disability with faculty/staff; however, the impact a disability has on a class is not considered disclosure and can be discussed.

Access to Records

Students may review their own records within 45 days after their request is received, according to the procedure described in Release of Student Records. To accomplish this, students wishing to review their CAR records can contact the Center for Accessible Resources (541) 463-5150 voice, 711 TTY, or AccessibleResources@lanecc.edu and arrange an appointment with the Center for Accessible Resources Project Coordinator or designee.

Date Adopted

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Date Last Reviewed

Thursday, June 28, 2018