All crimes occurring on Lane Community College property, or at Lane Community College sponsored events, shall be reported to the Department of Public Safety (Public Safety).
Crimes in progress
Report crime in progress by calling (541) 463-5555 or 911 (See Emergency Plan).
For all other crimes, or for violations of the Student Conduct Code, reporting may be done via phone at (541) 463-5558 or in person in Building 12, Room 200.It is extremely important to report all crimes as soon as possible.
Public Safety officers will determine the appropriate level of investigation and will report crimes of serious impact to the Lane County Sheriff's Department or other law enforcement agency with jurisdiction or an investigative interest. A written report will be generated and may be available to crime victims for assistance with insurance claims, crime reporting, and other actions.
An individual has the right to report directly to the Lane County Sheriff's Department, or other law enforcement agency, crimes against them or their personal property that occur on Lane Community College property, or at a Lane Community College sponsored event. Public Safety shall encourage individuals to report all crimes against them or their personal property that occur on Lane Community College property or at a Lane Community College event to the Lane County Sheriff's Department or other appropriate law enforcement agency.
Crimes may also be reported anonymously through an online form. Please note: this form should not be used for emergencies or crimes in progress.
All losses of college owned property, for any reason, shall be reported by the department that incurred the loss, to the budget analyst for review of applicable insurance coverage (see Insurance: Property and Liability). All losses of college owned property as the result of a possible crime shall be reported to Public Safety within 24 hours of knowledge of the occurrence.