This procedure designates those authorized to approve courses on a student's transcript as substitutes for those currently required, and describes parameters for approval.
Major Courses Taught by the Department
An instructional dean, or designee, may use any course on a student's transcript to substitute for any required major course limited up to 10 percent of the program. The transcript may be from Lane Community College or any other post-secondary institution. Students who have experience from previous work or course work from a non-regionally accredited institution must apply through the Credit by Assessment (CBA) or the Credit by Examination (CBE) process, with a maximum of 25 percent toward any degree or certificate.
Other Degree Requirements of the College
Substitutions for the college general education requirements for composition, mathematics, communications, and health/physical education are reviewed by the Academic Requirements Review Committee. However, the department chair or designee may make a suggestion as to the substitution(s). An General Education Substitution and Waiver Petition for substitutions is available in Enrollment Services. The Academic Requirements Review Committee will review the petition and hear testimony from the student or representative. In some cases, the Academic Requirements Review Committee has given consent for the Degree Evaluator to make the decision as to whether or not a substitution is appropriate and may or may not be used toward a degree or certificate requirement. However, if there is any question as to the appropriateness of the course substitution, the Academic Requirements Review Committee will make the final decision. Only under exceptionally unusual circumstances will the Academic Requirements Review Committee approve a substitution or exclusion for college degree requirements.
Substitutions for the 12 credit hours of the general education distribution requirements will also require Academic Requirements Review Committee action unless the substitution falls within the same arts/letters, math/science or social science group. These may be approved by the Degree Evaluator, and must fall within the limitation of 10 percent of the program.
Courses Listed as Electives
- A department chair, or designee, may substitute any transcripted credits for a program elective, again within the 10 percent limitation.
- There is no need to substitute for open electives. The degree evaluator will use any appropriate courses remaining on the student's transcript.
See also "Disabilities: Course Substitutions for Students with Disabilities Seeking a Terminal Degree at Lane" and "Disabilities: Course Substitutions for Students with Disabilities Seeking an AAOT degree at Lane."