Course Inactivation and Reactivation




Institutional Integrity


Academic and Student Affairs


(541) 463-5306

Primary Contact

Jennifer Frei

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs


This procedure describes the process for deactivating and reinstating credit courses. The College must represent itself accurately and consistently to students and prospective students; this includes its list of active and inactive courses.


Inactivating a Course

  1. On a quarterly basis, Lane's Curriculum Specialist shall administratively inactivate any credit course that has not been taught for three years.
  2. To inactivate a course at any other time, it shall be the responsibility of the division/department. The division/department dean will need to send a memo to the Curriculum Specialist requesting that the specific course be inactivated. Requests for course inactivation can also be submitted during the  annual curriculum-review process.
  3. It shall be the responsibility of the Curriculum Specialist to update curriculum files and the college catalog of credit courses as it is maintained in the college's administrative software system (Banner) with the status of credit courses

Reinstating a Course

Reinstating any inactive course requires that a new course proposal form be submitted following the procedures in Curriculum Approval Guidelines

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Tuesday, December 1, 2015