Course Catalog






Academic and Student Affairs


(541) 463-5344

Primary Contact

Grant Matthews

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs


This procedure describes the process departments must take to annually update the Course Catalog and the deadlines by which such steps must be taken. The College Course Catalog must provide accurate and consistent information to students and prospective students.


The procedures for updating the Course Catalog for curriculum information are as follows.

  1. Once a year, in accordance with established deadline dates,  Curriculum and Scheduling sends out the Course Catalog in electronic form to the instructional departments for proofing of all information.
  2. Instructional departments will be responsible for updating the Course Catalog electronically in accordance with the information forwarded by Curriculum and Scheduling.
  3. The departments then return the corrected electronic files to Curriculum and Scheduling to ensure all changes made are in accordance with state policy.
  4. Curriculum and Scheduling will forward this information to Marketing and Public Relations to create a draft copy.  The departments will have one final proofing which is overseen by both Curriculum and Scheduling and Marketing and Public Relations.
  5. The Course Catalog is published through Marketing and Public Relations and distributed throughout the college.
  6. Revisions to the Course Catalog can only be made once a year.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Monday, September 1, 2003