




Governance Council

Student Success Council

Primary Contact

Dawn Whiting

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President of Student Affairs


This policy identifies the scope of eligibility for enrollment in classes and programs at Lane Community College.


Lane Community College shall be open, within budgetary limitations, to all applicants who are qualified according to its admission requirements.  Students who enroll for high school or alternative school credit must comply with Oregon Revised Statutes 339.010 (Compulsory School Attendance Law).

A primary goal of the college shall be to assist students to develop programs of study designed to meet their individual needs and that are consistent with feasible college operation.

Some programs may have selective enrollment or waiting lists.

Previous academic status at other institutions shall not constitute criteria for denial of admission.

Date Adopted

Tuesday, August 1, 2000

Date Last Reviewed

Wednesday, June 9, 2021