
Accident Reporting




Health and Safety


Human Resources


(541) 463-5503

Primary Contact

Dawn Barth

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President of Human Resources


All accidents occurring on college property that do not involve an employee of the college are reported on an Accident Report Form provided by Human Resources or departmental offices on campus. For accidents involving employees, see Occupational Injuries and Illnesses.

The form is completed in full after an accident and transmitted to Risk Management/Human Resources in building 3. The report must be completed by the person having the accident or by the staff member in charge of the area or activity.

The information on the report is used to identify and correct unsafe conditions and to ensure that both the proper care to the injured and the appropriate administrative response occur after an accident. Information is also required for insurance purposes, handled by the Risk Management/Human Resources Office. Questions on the completion of the form (or the applicability of the form to a particular accident) should be referred to the Manager for Risk and Environmental Health and Safety Programs (541) 463-5503.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Friday, February 21, 2020
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