Web Archives
The Archives maintains a Web Archives for the preservation of selected inactive college web sites that contain college records and publications.
Inactive Web Sites/Pages in the Web Archives
- Process Redesign
- The Process Redesign Project (1995-1996) reorganized the way the college offers information, enrollment, fianancial, and counseling services to students.
- Students First! was the department created by the Process Redesign Project. The name of the department now is Enrollment Services and it is the gateway to all student services at Lane.
Information About Web-based Records & Publications
The Archives maintains a Web Archives for preservation of web sites that contain official college records and publications.
- Web-based Records: These are records that have traditionally been created and preserved in paper format and that are listed in record retention schedules with permanent or long-term retentions. These types of records are now often posted on web sites and the web-based record may be considered the official copy of that record. Examples of these records are audits, budgets, committee minutes and reports, and policy and procedure statements.
- Web-based Publications: Electronic versions of published information that are posted on web sites. Examples of these types of publications are annual reports, directories, brochures, newsletters, college catalogs, class schedules, and syllabi.
Criteria for Selecting Web Sites for Preservation
- Web sites contain records with administrative, legal, financial, or historical value.
- Web-based records have long-term retentions as specified by the Records Retention Schedule.
- Web sites contain records or publications that are official copies of those records.
- Web sites contain records or publications that are not captured or preserved by traditional record-keeping systems.
- The records and publications on a web site may be useful in serving the current or future informational needs of the college.
- The records and publications on a web site may be the best source or preferred format for those records because they are searchable and provide efficient access to that information.
- If the record or official copy of records or publications is available and accessible in paper format, the paper format becomes the official copy for preservation purposes and the web-based version is not preserved.
Procedures for Preserving Web Sites
- When web sites are developed, web designers should take into consideration the preservation implications of their web sites.
- Web content managers, the college webmasters, and the archivist consult to select web sites for preservation.
- Capture the web sites on a CD-R (gold reflective surface, not compressed) and transfer to the Archives.
- Management of web sites selected for preservation is transferred to the Web Archives and into the custody of the Archives.
- Transfer to the Archives is documented with a log that contains management history, content, and technical data about the web sites. Contact the Archivist for details about the log.