Records Information
Records - Mission
Lane Community College is a public institution and its records are governed by the public records laws of Oregon. The Records Program assists the college community in systematically managing the appraisal, scheduling, storage, and disposition of college records.
Authorization for Records Retention and Disposition
The State Archivist creates Records Retention Schedules, published as Oregon Administrative Rules, giving state and local agencies the lawful authority to destroy or otherwise dispose of commonly occurring public records, as defined in ORS 192.005.
OAR 166-450 is the retention schedule for community colleges which gives Lane Community College the authority to lawfully dispose of records.
Contact the Archivist with questions relating to archives and records:
Main campus location: Building 4, Room 108
Access and Confidentiality
Legal custody of the records temporarily stored in the Archives remains with the department that created the records, and access to records in storage is limited to the creating department and the Archives staff. All requests for records access from other departments or persons will be referred to the creating department for authorization.
Access to public records, especially to student records and personnel records, may be limited because of privacy concerns. The confidentiality of records, access to public records, and the handling of requests for information are governed by several state and federal statutes and administrative rules.
- ORS 192.501-505 governs the exemption from disclosure of public records.
- OAR 581-041-0410--0530 governs privacy rights and information reporting in community colleges.
- FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment) 20 USCA Section 1232g, governs access to information in student records. (also known as 34CFR99)
- For policies and procedures concerning access to personnel information, contact Human Resources.
- For policies and procedures concerning access to student records, contact Enrollment Services.
- Other questions about access and confidentiality issues should be referred to the college archivist or appropriate department.
Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery
Damage to records from water, fire and other natural and man-made disasters is inevitable. The Archives has a Disaster Response and Recovery Plan and the college Archivist is trained to handle damaged records on a limited basis.
- Contact the Archivist for advice and assistance in responding to an emergency and to recover records that have suffered water or other damage.
- Contact the Archivist to set up vital records programs to insure the preservation of records that are needed to continue or re-establish operations following a disaster.
Organizational Changes
The records of programs, departments, offices, or other academic or administrative units that have been eliminated, reassigned or combined with another unit should be transferred to the Archives for proper retention, disposition, and preservation.