How to Send Records to the Archives

Records: How to Send Records to the Archives

To qualify for temporary or permanent storage by the Archives, records:

  • must be inactive (no longer required to carry on current activities and business),
  • must be the official copy of the records,
  • must have at least two years remaining on the scheduled retention period.

Consult with the Archivist and refer to OAR-166-450 for guidance in selecting and grouping records for storage. Each box measures about 10×12×16 inches, and holds about one cubic foot of material. [email: or call ext. 3450]

***Do not send personnel records, ie PAF, PTSOA forms, employee evaluations, to the Archives. Contact Human Resources to discuss retention or transfer of custody of personnel forms held in departmental files.

Prepare your records for storage in records boxes as follows: [See Examples]
  • Remove records from hanging files or 3-ring binders and place the records in file folders.
  • Remove rubber bands, binder clips and thick plastic enclosures.
  • Remove duplicate and unnecessary records.
  • Label folders clearly, including record type and significant dates.
  • Put only one series or type of record in a box. Boxes containing records with mixed retention periods will not be accepted for storage.
  • Do not overstuff or underfill the boxes. The boxes should be packed such that files will not sag and bend, and a single file can be easily removed. If the records do not quite fill the box, make a spacer from used cardboard such as empty tissue boxes. If the box is considerably too large, request a half-size record storage box from the Archives.
  • Do not store photographs, negatives, or other records in non-paper formats together with paper records.

Fill out the Transmittal Form and Contents list and email it to the Archives and Records Management Department. Mark each box in a series on the upper left corner of the front of the box with an abbreviation for the department, the box number, and total number of boxes in the accession. (ie HR 1 of 6). Put in a Work Order to have FMP pick up the filled boxes and deliver them to the Archives' Receiving & Processing Room: Building 4, Room 107.

The Archives will assign an Accession number and retention schedule for the collection and return a copy of the completed transmittal form and contents list to the department. Keep this copy to refer to when requesting records from storage and authorizing destruction of records.