Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What types of paper are recyclable?
    Just about everything.Post-its, envelopes (even with windows and labels), paper with staples and paper clips is even okay to throw in the recycling box, magazines, newspapers, butcher and packaging paper, thin cardboard (like cereal box), corrugated cardboard, books (we cut off the binding for you). See Paper Recycling Guidelines.
  2. Do we recycle batteries? 
    We recycle or dispose as hazardous waste all batteries EXCEPT alkaline batteries. Alkaline batteries are the most common type of batteries for flashlights, radios, etc. and they are non-rechargeable. They are the type of batteries that come in sizes AAA, AA, C, and D. There is currently no recycling option for alkaline batteries and they should be disposed in the trash.  All other batteries, including Lithium, Ni-Cad, NiMH, and Mercury, should be separated according to type in plastic bags and collected in a central location. Submit an ICO to FMP for pick up. For more on batteries see the article written by the hazardous waste specialist for Lane County Waste Management.

Other Questions? Email Luis Maggiori at or call him at 541-463-5884.