Surplus Property

Surplus Property

Surplus Property collects and stores property no longer needed by LCC departments. We also redistribute property to College departments and other state-funded and non-profit organizations. If you are a state-funded or non-profit organization, contact LCC Surplus Property to inquire about available items or to determine of you qualify for state surplus property.

Viewing Items

All available surplus property can be found on the second floor of the Recycling Education Center, Building 10 on the 30th Avenue campus.  In the viewing area, you can see what is available.  In many cases, we have more than one item of that type available (such as file cabinets, chairs, or tables).  Please contact Luis Maggiori for more information.  

Here is a snapshot of what's currently available in surplus:

Surplus Chairs More chairs

Please do not enter the warehouse downstairs looking for surplus property.  This is a work area with equipment running and possible trip and other accident hazards.  Everyone entering the warehouse must have appropriate clothing and protective equipment.

Requesting Items

If you need an item, you can come view available surplus property in the Recycling Center in Building 10.  The viewing area is at the end of the hall on the second floor of the building.  To find the Recycling Center, come to the northwest entrance to the building (the entrance with the elevator) and go to the second floor.  Please follow the self-service instructions in the surplus area. 

                              Photo of Self Service Surplus Property Request sign

There is no charge to receive items from Surplus Property. However, if the item is damaged or needs modification (locks, painting, etc.), then the requesting department should make that request separately and will incur any charges for those services.

Please note that items requested from Surplus Property are only for use by College departments or programs. For information please see Lane's College Online Policy and Procedure System (COPPS) for the procedure regarding equipment use as well as related Oregon Revised Statutes.

Sending Items

After (or before) the work order is submitted, please clearly label the items to be sent to Surplus Property. They should be picked up within a few days.

Please do not "drop off" items at the warehouse or at Facilities; a work order will ensure that items are properly recorded and stored.

If you have any questions, please contact Surplus Property