Four Winds Digital Sign

Four Winds Digital Sign

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Digital Sign Content Submission

Send digital sign content to Include specific sign(s) that the content should be deployed. Also include the start date and end date of the content. Convert movie files with an extension of .mov to .mp4. Most all other media can now be accepted.

Quick Guide to Design for Digital Signs on Campus

Download the quick guide

  1. Size: Letter (8.5 X 11) or Tabloid (11 X 17) is just fine (landscape or portrait)!
  2. Design: Have a strong visual hierarchy. Arrange your primary points in at least three tiers:
    1. Headline: large type to capture someone’s attention: 16+ point
    2. Subhead: supportive information like date, time and place: 14-24 point
    3. Body: the details: 12-14 point
  3. Fonts and size: stick to clear and readable type at a size that is easy to read from some distance. Ornate or decorative fonts might be difficult to read.
  4. Images: Choose an image that best represents your message. Consider inclusiveness in your image choice. Make sure that you use images that have been properly acquired with appropriate rights or permissions. Collect photo release signatures for any persons photographed for your project. For more information on appropriate image use, contact the Design and Media Center at dmc@laneccedu.

Example of Digital Sign image:

Example of Digital Sign image - shows headline at top, with a large photo, a clear call to action, and clarifying information at the bottom

II: Accessibility, Branding & Finishing

  1. Accessibility: Keep good visual contrast. Do not place white type on a yellow background or vice versa. Have any information follow logical sequences. Avoid ornate or busy fonts. Keep the fonts as large as they can be within their hierarchy. For information as to which accessibility statement to use for your publication, go to and search for accessibility statements.
  2. Branding: For on-campus viewing, branding is not necessary (but appreciated). If the advertisement is for something school-related and is to also be published, digitally or otherwise, off-campus, please consult with the Marketing Dept or the Design and Media Center for help with your design:
    Brett Rowlett at (Marketing) or
    Tom Madison at (Design & Media Center)
  3. Create and send file: Save as a jpg, jpeg, png or pdf. Send to