Print Management

Print Management

Lane Community College began the process of creating a formal print management system for students, faculty, and staff in January of 2012. This multi-year work was done by a campus committee chaired by Barbara Barlow-Powers and Bill Schuetz. The final steps of the project were completed in early 2016.

 The key accomplishments of the project were:

  • Created a centralized process for purchase, maintenance, and billing of all copiers and printers on campus for use by faculty and staff
  • Created a centralized ordering and distribution system for toner, spare parts, and paper
  • Established an enterprise software platform, PaperCut, to control print management for faculty, staff, and students
  • Established a sensible print quota for LCC students who are eligible for participation through payment of the technology fee

Instructional Videos

Staff Rates

The rates for each independently budgeted department are as follows:

  • .10 cents per impression on an approved copier or laser printer 
  • .20 cents per impression on an approved color copier or laser printer 

Student Rates

LCC encourages all students to use duplex mode for any machines capable of utilizing duplex printing; however, cost per impression rates will not be altered for duplex copies or printouts. Specialty paper can be used when provided by the student on certain machines; however, cost per impression rates will not be altered when using specialty paper. Rates are as follows:

  • .10 cents per black and white impression for all supported print devices. 
  • .35 cents per color impression for all supported print devices.

Staff member keycard access for copiers:

Submit a request through the IT Helpdesk at Printing, Printers, and Copiers

LCC print management support

Questions about printer/copier moves, installations and removals should be directed to the HelpDesk, x4444 or Gaylan Littlejohn, x5453 or

NO machine is to be moved without contacting the Print Management team