
Container Recycling

Can and Bottle Recycling Guidelines


Due to changes in recycling markets, many previously collected plastic containers are no longer accepted. Lane Community College only accepts clear drink containers and milk jugs in its plastic recycling. We continue to accept metal and glass drink containers.

You can find more information about this change from Lane County Waste Management.

Lane County Waste Management regularly organizes "plastics roundups" for plastics no longer accepted in recycling streams. Find out more information about the plastics roundups.

About once a term, Lane Community College does a plastics roundup on campus. Keep an eye out in the Lane Weekly for dates and locations.


Please empty, lightly rinse, and remove lids from cans and bottles. Metal lids may be placed in the cans & bottles container. Plastic lids should be placed in a garbage can.


Inside Buildings: Recycle containers inside in the blue recycling containers next to every paper container in the corridors of every building on campus. In many buildings on campus (Buildings 2,4,5,10,15,16, and 30), you will find built in cabinetry for recycling.

In many buildings on campus (Buildings 2,4,5,10,15,16, and 30), you will find built in cabinetry for recycling Recycle beverage and food containers inside in the blue recycling containers next to every paper container in the corridors of every building on campus

Outside Buildings: Recycle cans & bottles outside in the green barrels labeled for can and bottle recycling that are located outside every building on campus and next to most outdoor garbage cans.

Outdoor Container

What to do with everything else?

  • Sheets of glass (windows, picture frame inserts) may be accepted by BRING Recycling or Aurora Glass.
  • Other glass items (vases, cups, bowls) should be reused or donated to Goodwill, Saint Vincent de Paul or another reuse outlet.
  • Scrap metal items that are not aluminum foil, aluminum or steel cans, should be placed in the scrap metal bin that is located to the east of Building 9.