Preparation of Annual Clery Report

Department Policy -
Preparation of Annual Clery Report - Methodology

This document refers to how the annual security report is prepared.

The purpose of the Clery Report is to disclose information about aspects of the safety and security and to comply with the United States Department of Education guidelines for the dissemination of such information.

The Annual Clery Report for Lane Community College is prepared using the following methods:

  1. Statistical Data
    1. All criminal incident reports in the crime reporting database are reviewed for classification accuracy and sorted by:
      1. Crime type/Incident type
      2. Occurrence Location
      3. Referral/Arrest Status (if associated with a Clery reportable statistic)
    2. All Calls for Service Data from the crime reporting database are reviewed and compared to the incident report data to ensure that no potential reportable items have been missed.
    3. All data associated with the responses from local law enforcement agencies, including:
    4. Cottage Grove PD, Florence PD, Eugene PD, and The Lane County Sheriff's Office is collected and added to the statistical data.
    5. Data is collected from the Campus Security Authorities. This information is solicited through an annual letter that details the type of information requested, the period, and the deadline to reply to the inquiry. The resulting reports are compared to existing data to avoid duplication.
    6. All statistical data is compiled and included in the body of the main Clery Report.
  2. Report Information
    1. All sections of the previous year's report are reviewed and updates are made with particular attention to the following:
    2. Updates to Campus Security Authorities
    3. Verification of all stated phone numbers and addresses
    4. All areas of the report are reviewed for accuracy and to ensure that the most recent changes in Clery are accounted for in the report.
    5. An independent review of the report in its entirety is conducted by the designated campus Clery official and/or the LCC counsel.
  3. Submission
    1. Once all data has been included in the statistical report and the main report body has been updated to reflect information or reporting requirement changes, the entire report is sent to the United States Department of Education.
    2. The report is posted online as this is the preferred dissemination method of Lane Community College. All data links are verified.
    3. The webpage where the information or links to the information are published in several areas (including but not limited to) the Aspire Magazine, the Torch Student newspaper, the Weekly (an all-employee electronic communication), and in Public Safety publications.
    4. In addition, the report is made available online at Clery Compliance Information.